Block Plan 

Four lesson badminton unit

The block plan is an outline of a potential progression for the unit.  Depending on the response of students this progression could be adapted.
Links on block plan go to task/game explanation including teaching points, organization, diagrams and suggestions for modifications.

Lesson 1 

Tactical Problem

 Creating Open Space


Lesson focus: Locating the open space in an area
Skill objective:  Keeping the object in play



Introductory task/game

 A) Box game with Ball 

 B) Box game with Shuttle


Skill/Concept development tasks/games

1. Simulated half-court game with ball

2. Simulated 1/2 court game with ball & paddle

3. Simulated 1/2 court game with shuttle &   


4. Gripping the racquet


Culminating Game:  

3a. Simulated 1/2 court game with shuttle & racquet

      Scoring and court modifications



Lesson 2 

Tactical Problem

Creating Open Space 


Lesson focus:  Push opponent back utilizing the      

                     overhead clear.

Skill objective: Understanding the value of moving 

                      opponent to the back of the court.

                      Ability to use the overhead clear to

                      push opponent deep


Introductory task/game

 A) Half-court singles w/out net 


Skill/Concept development tasks/games

1. Introducing the overhead clear

2. Partner fed overhand clear to target


Culminating Game: 

Aa. Half-court singles





Lesson 3 

Tactical Problem

Creating Space


Lesson focus:  Introduce the Drop Shot
Skill objective:  Pull opponent forward

                        Understand the value of pulling the      

                        opponent forward. Ability to use the 

                        overhead Drop Shot


Introductory task/game

 A) Half-Court singles


Skill/Concept development tasks/games

 1. Half-court singles with scoring

 2. Introducing the Drop Shot
 3. Partner fed drop shot to target


Culminating Game: 

1a. Half-court singles with “full” scoring


Lesson 4 

Tactical Problem

Defending Space


Lesson focus: Recovery to base position 
Skill objective:  Get to base position between shots



Introductory task/game

  A) Cat & Mouse gradual warm-up


Skill/Concept development tasks/games

 1. “Three Step progression” half-court singles
 2. Half-court singles

 3. Partner fed “two shuttle” drill


Culminating Game: 
           “King’s or Queen’s” Court